Moderate Sedation
You are awake, but very relaxed. You may not remember much about your visit and you will need someone to drive you to and from your appointment. The medication Dr. Guess will prescribe for moderate sedation lasts for several hours following your appointment; you may also experience drowsiness and slurred speech. This option is only available for adults, but cannot be used during pregnancy.
In addition to Sedation Dentistry, here are some other tips to help prepare for your visit:
- Make sure to get a good night’s rest beforehand to help reduce stress the day of your visit
- Bring your own earphones to listen your own music
- Make sure to eat a good meal beforehand because the oral anesthesia may last for several hours
Click here for what to expect at your child’s visit.
Minimal Sedation
You are awake, but relaxed with Nitrous Oxide (“laughing gas”). N2O is a good option for people who may return to work or school because the effect only lasts the length of your appointment. This option is available for both children and adults, but cannot be used during pregnancy.
In addition to Sedation Dentistry, here are some other tips to help prepare for your visit:
- Make sure to get a good night’s rest beforehand to help reduce stress the day of your visit
- Bring your own earphones to listen your own music
- Make sure to eat a good meal beforehand because the oral anesthesia may last for several hours
Click here for what to expect at your child’s visit.